Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Generation Complacent

It turns out that writing this blog is like me trying to stick to healthier life choices (like exercising, and not over eating), it happens every once in a while, but it doesn't stick. Having said that, if this blog is meant to be a reflection on me getting a life, then maybe not writing here very regularly is the indication I do actually go out and do things. (Maybe one day I will blog about those said things here like I had originally intended, but for now this will probably remain my unedited and grammatically incorrect ranting zone).

The other morning I was listening to the radio (Triple J if you were interested, the new radio station of choice in my car in my desperation to avoid Top40 and adbreaks that ruin my commute), and the news headlines came on. They mentioned a recent survey of Australian young people revealed that less than half (48%) of the people survey did not think that Democracy was the best form of government. I found another article relating to the outcome of the survey here for your reading pleasure:

Also, if you weren't aware, the number of parents refusing to have their children vaccinated is also on the rise (not a great article but I couldn't find the one I found previously that listed the stats of the issue).

The reality is, that there are few living reminders of the disasters that occur when we don't vaccinate or where democracy isn't an option for government. As much as I get riled up when I find out that parents don't vaccinate their children, I have to admit, I am certainly not government/politician/politics savvy. I think that this comes from my utter distaste of the medias distortion of what does happen in our government, how ineffective the implementation of some policies are, and that I'm not sure the voters are really as valued by the government as they should be.

With the election coming up in September, a part of me wants to vote for some indie/Green party candidate, not necessarily because I believe in the Party's policies but moreso to avoid liability when it comes down to the struggle between Liberal and Labour (mini-rant: For someone who struggles with acronyms and didn't get a great civics education in High School, trying to work out which party is referred to by the "L" in "ALP" and then trying to keep straight the fact that the present Liberal party isn't very liberal compared to the Labour party at the moment is perplexing and also makes me shy away from politics). Having said that though, I know a lot of people are being swayed by the idea of not wanting Gillard as a PM to the point that they would consider Abbott as a replacement. But that isn't fair on the Gillard government. They have actually managed to get a few things done, not well or in a large enough capacity to make the achievements seem revolutionary, but they still got it done. So I feel like I should be voting to counteract that negative force that the media is spitting out (speaking of which, apparently this element is likely a result of big moneybags such as Gina Rinehart and Rupert Murdoch who have so much say in what a lot of the media gets to put out, and if that's so, then this sort of a corruption means that the democracy we have isn't really a democracy at all and so it's not exactly hard to see why some people might think we could do just as good a job if we were under a more forced form of government from a higher body).

Oh and then today, well, the spill happens. And then all these young people start calling in to the radio station and commenting about how they would vote (not change who they would vote for, but would actually cast a valid vote) if Rudd made the leadership.  At the moment I'm still raging that the spill is even happening. Granted, I don't think it's fair to ignore the fact that people are looking at Abbott as an alternative to Julia rather than considering any policy behind it, and for that reason alone, a change could be okay. But that's it. Stability would be preferable. What would be even better if gossip wasn't reportable news for the sakes of not provoking these kinds of events into a reality (maybe this is where the Murdoch/Rinehart thing comes into play, but again this isn't something I'm educated in).

It is night's like tonight that kind of give evidence to suggest why kids think that democracy isn't a good system. It feels like it isn't working and that the focus isn't on making decisions so much as talking about unrelated topics.


I am sitting here writing this until my Dad tells me that they are releasing the outcome. I sat in front of ABC24 and tried my hardest, but listening to speculation while incredibly exasperated and frustrated just wasn't happening. So pardon me while I vent.

Poor people, all they wanted to do was watch the Origin tonight. (Speaking of which, my car still has Qld plates on it so I'm assuming that's why my car got egged last night - not cool).

Alright, I'm done. Going to see what the outcome is.

UPDATE: Is it true that Nelson Mandela has passed?

UPDATE2: Is it true that the Origin broadcast is being postponed until the reveal?

UPDATE3: Earlier in the year when Simon Crean called the last spill and Rudd didn't show but the whole country was holding it's breath, I was at Celia Paquola's stand up show. The first thing she did was got the whole audience to have a big old swear and try to relieve the tension. I am desperately in need of this, but the house is filled with little ears (and probably Varys' spiders) so I can't do that right now. If you can, please do in my honour.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Attack of the new post!!

Oh no!! What is this? A new post?

Yes, you read right, I (of my own free will) am writing another post. I do have an idea about future posts now that I'm technically working in the fine wine section of the bottle-o I work at, but that requires much dedication, and I'm already procrastinating pretty hard.

So I saw on FB this 30 day challenge picture where you can talk about your favourite Doctor Who elements, and I thought to myself "I really want to tell people about how I feel about this, but let's face it, I couldn't be stuffed trying to remember to do this for 30 days continuously." (Plus I tried to do a 30 day walking/running challenge with a few friends of mine and didn't make it past day 2. I'm still swimming regularly though, so don't call me a fatty just yet you judgemental meanie.) So I was thinking, maybe I would put the picture up here for you to see and give you my answers and stuff. (My disclaimer is though that I have only had a chance to watch the new series not the older classic stuff, and I realise that this mightmake me unqualified in your opinion, but I can live with that.) For those of you who don't watch Dr Who, you might not get some of the references, but that is what the internet is for, either to watch the episodes and find out or to wiki them.

Q1. Favourite Doctor:
Now I know that David Tennant has been by far one of the most loved portrayals of The Doctor with his converses and his exuberance, but he got like, a bizillion seasons all to himself and poor old Christopher Eccleston only got one. And with his Welsh accent and goofy-looking face I really think he played charisma well and could have had a little more of a chance.

Q2. Favourite Companion:
Without a doubt this would have to be Donna Noble (played by Catherine Tate). Not only is she a fantastic role model for women's independence but she has huge, well thought out and heart-breaking character development throughout her run in the series (plus if you rearrange the character's name and the actor's name you get my name, which is a pretty sick coincidence). She got some seriously good one-liners too. Plus it was such a nice change for the Doctor not to be involved in some messy entanglement of romance just to keep the young female component of audiences interested in the series.

Special mention for this one would be Donna's grandfather, because he was pretty brilliant too.

Q3. Least favourite companion:
Sorry Rose, but you're it. Don't get me wrong, very much a fan of Billy Piper and her early days as a pop singer and her later role on Secret Diary of a Call Girl, but something about her pouting and thinking her love with the Doctor was the only one was just so... blergh. She didn't even have that much attitude. Granted her character development was going from a no-hoper to a more purposeful life, but other than her career, nothing about her character changed (ie she never grew much of a spine except what her job needed her to do).

Q4. Favourite villain:
I kind of like the Sontarans over the Daleks or Cybermen. There is something I really liked about these ugly potato shaped things that have a designated weak-spot which in turn makes them ultimately brave in their battle strategies. It's like a plot device with a fail-safe way of defeat, and for some reason I find solace in that.

Q5. Favourite Alien:
I think I might have to go with Ood on this one. The whole tentacle beard with a brain on an umbillical cord which you hold in your hand could just be the right mix of creepy, zen and foreign which on some level appeals to me. It's better than some of the grosser aliens that they have come up with.

Q6. Favourite special episode:
Christmas Special 2010 - Christmas Carol. I liked how Scrooge's memory was continually altered in the past and thence changed his present memories. It was kind of trippy and a nice play on the original novel (not that I have read it, but there have been enough remakes of it that I'm sure I have most of the idea).

Q7. Favourite Season:
Season 4 where Donna Noble plays companion to the Doctor played by David Tennant. The two just work BRILLIANTLY together!! If you would like to see an example of their on-screen chemistrry (in a stricly platonic way) I reccomend you watch this video:

And then I saw that they did Much Ado About nothing together:

Needless to say I'm going to try get my hand on a copy of the DVD version of that. I would have paid so much to see it live...

But the reason I lied the season so much was because they were just friends, no ifs, no buts, just butt-kicking side-kicks to eachother. And Donna Noble's attitude is just so refreshing after puppy-dog starers 1 and 2 as companions.

Q8. Least favourite season:
It's a tie between the first season with David Eccleston Doctor and the first season of Matt Smith as Doctor. David balanced out Rose for the most part so I could at least feel neutral about that series, and Matt Smith's first round allowed him to get into the groove which made it harder to get attached to any part of the series in particular. They both had some superb episodes though so maybe they could tie.

Q9. Favourite Master:
I have only ever seen one, and I didn't mind him much so I'll just move on to the next question.

Q10. Saddest episode:
Season 4 - Episode 13 - Journey's End. They had to completely wipe Donna's memory. And with the Doctor standing in the rain all sad and pouty-like. How could you not want to ball your eyes out???

Q11. Funniest episode:
Season 4 - Episode 1 - Partners in Crime. David Tennant playing off Catherine Tate in a reunion episode which I'm sure was full of ad libs. But it was staged so well and it was just classic. I can't even begin to describe it really, so if you want to know what I'm going on about you will just have to watch it.

Q12. Episode that scared you the most:
Season 3 - Episode 10 - Blink (and any subsequent episodes with the Angels in it). Again, you will have to watch this episode to get the full effect, but you will not regret it. Nor will you ever feel the same about stone statues again.

(here's where I start losing interest and the questions aren't as discussable. This is probably just evidence to the fact that I haven't watched the entire series recently.)

Q13. Favourite theme song:
Sorry, I can't tell the difference between them so I'll just skip this one.

Q14. Character you like that everyone else hates:
I don't have a big enough circle of friends who are fans of DW to have disagreements about this. Actually I think I'm the only fan of Eccleston as the Doctor because he was usurped by the almighty Tennant in his role.

Q15. Most annoying character:
Rose. Well, there could be others, but none particularly come to mind right now. Well, okay I'll admit that both Amy Pond and Rivesong can have both their moments of disfavour.

Q16. Favourite Actor:
David Tennant

Q17. Least favourite actor:
I really can't hate on anyone that much really.

Q18. Favourite actress:
Catherine Tate

Q19. Least favourite actress:
Again, I'm not going to start ranting now.

Q20. Favourite writer:
Steven Moffat. He wrote the Vashna Nerada, the silence, and the angels. He's an excellent sotry teller of the creepy, ghostly and ghouly.

Q21. Favourite couple:
I actually quite liked Martha Jones and that Paediatrician she met during the alternate history. Then somehow when David Tennant went to say his farewells she was hooking up with Mickey. I mean come on, what is that?

Q22. Favourite friendship:
David Tennant Doctor and Catherine Tate. Hands down. No discussion.

Q23. Favourite Doctor Who spinoff:
Torchwood. It covers the socially relevant issues whilst still being sci-fi, alien filled and quirky. Plus these guys get to use guns which the Doctor was stricly against for moral reasons.

Q24. Favourite quote:
This is like picking your favourite tulip from a field in Holland. Too many good ones, not enough time.

Q25. Favourite Doctor catch phrase:
Allons-y Alonso!

Q26. Favourite Doctor gadget:
What kind of question is this? The guy has a sonic screwdriver and a TARDIS. How the hell is anyone meant to choose between those two?

Q27. Favourite interview.
Q28. Favourite gif
Q29. Favourite guest star
Q30. When do you become a fan of Doctor Who

I don't think these questions are very good, so I won't justify them with an answer.

And look at that, I wrote another blog entry. No, it wasn't particularly eventful or orignal, but it was better than trying to write vague assignments.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

As per your request...

I will let you stay anonymous, but this blog goes out to you in the hopes it might shut you up a bit.

For those not in-the-know, I have decided I am not nearly self-motivated enough to make full and regular blog updates. I found twitter and was slightly more successful in the concept of regular use until I hit the 1.5 thousand tweet mark, at which point my need to state things accross cyberspace became quelled. I still check in periodically to see what people are up to and reaffirm distant ties, but despite being able to access it from my nifty new phone, I haven't felt quite the same about it in the last few months. But my friend, who is still a mad-keen blogger (and not half bad I might add), is harassing me to make another entry. So here goes.

I am 6 months away from completing my Bachelor of Science. Of course I'm glad to be headed in to the workforce and its associated trials and tribulations, like not finding a job, or not finding a job that I like, or not finding a job that pays and having to stay as a check-out chick in my present job. The only problem is that my majors are probably the least transferrable to the current working market. I am taking Marine Biology and Zoology majors, the Arts degree of Science majors, and while I would like to become a proffessional beach bum, you need to have a sleuth of diving qualifications to be considered for most of those positions that come up. Not only do I have a stupid variety of asthma which I am usually at greatest risk to when having a laughing fit rather than physically exerting myself in exercise, but I don't have any money to do all the tests and the dive courses and the practise hours to do what they want. So I might just be like Orpha Bellwood and study crabs or something.

But there is an alternative. There are a whole bunch of graduate programs (essentially paid internships) in the public and prvate sectors. I would probably be more likely to be accepted in to the government run ones, and they take people with science degrees. Some of them are picky as to what majors you've taken, others don't say that they are picky specifically, but let's face it, they probably are. And I realise that by doing a graduate program with the Department of Defence would be like going in to a family business, but it seems like it would be the most interesting department to go in to. I could (and probably will) apply to go into the Departments of Sustainability, and Environment & Climate Change too, but I don't know if I would enjoy it. But apparently half the fun of becoming a public servant is looking up new jobs to apply for every Thursday.

For some reason the prospect of applying for all these jobs is exciting me, despite the fact that the process will be the same but 1 million times over for every one I apply for. But maybe I will use this place as a place to vent and you can follow me on my trials and tribulations.

Also, I am trying to keep good habits this year such as eating less, and exercising more. I have signed up on a few different websites to give me exercising and meal ideas for when I live on my own, as well as calorie counter websites to keep my goal to eat in more moderate proportions in check. Over the last 2 months or so I have lost 5 kilos (or maybe some more if you consider the fact I wasn't entirely sure of my weight before I started), so I am hoping I can keep up swimming to lose me some more weight. Also I believe a 30 (week)day challenge will be commencing next week where a group of us will start getting up early to run while the days are still cool. Maybe I will vent about that here as well.

Anyway, I am going to go have some excellent conversations. You should try doing the same.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Well that didn't go so well

Apparently I started this blog 2 years ago with an almighty 1 blog entry. See, I had so many things happen to me in my first semester of Uni that I thought, "Hey, maybe I could entertain people with these stories" but now I realise that I don't do it that way. I would much rather sit at a table with my group of friends that I have adopted over the last 2 years and tell them all the drama there. I guess I'm not much of a typer.

But, I have had an idea. I doubt it will catch on, and I don't have enough information or knowledge of how all the components of this idea works, but if I can get enough people reading this and giving feedback, maybe we can improve the plan along the way.

The other day a friend of mine complained about how much clothes from a particular store cost. Now I am definately not a fashionista, I buy simple clothes that are practical and comfortable. I am also at Uni and living on a budget, so the two things combine and mean that I usually hold out for the less expensive basics and sales. However everytime I look at the label, and see where the clothes are made, I feel a little pang of guilt for the people who made my clothes. Oftentimes I don't buy big branded clothes because I don't feel comfortable knowing that I'm paying a huge price just for whatever name is scrawled on the front of whatever I'm buying.

And then there are these Occupy Wall Street protests that are going on. Now from what I can tell, these protests are about closing the gap between the rich minority and the comparatively poor majority in the company. Stop the rich from getting richer and the poor from getting poorer. I think that's great, they could definately do with a better system for education too, but that is another rant.

So what if we could close the gap between the first and the third world countries? I realise that politics plays a big role in changing some things that make a third world country what it is, but even changing a third world nation to a developing nation status is a big leap.

But here is my goal, or idealistic idea: What if everything we bought was not priced based on the company that produced it, but based on the wages the people got paid to make it? And what if big brand labels could only make a certain amount of profit off of items that hold their labels? So only the basic charge to cover copyrights and limit profit.

Yes, I know, cheap clothes already do reflect the pathetic wages and conditions that people get paid to make our things, but what if we could legally mandate that anyone who sources such things from outside the country, has to provide evidence of the wages and conditions that people get paid. If all clothes cost more then maybe the consumer-driven society might become more modest. It might also encourage in-country sourcing for labour if they have to pay higher rates outside the country anyway.

This might also be a slightly communist view, but surely this could payoff for other countries who keep paying support to help fix short term problems.

I'll add more to this when I have done my exams, because I really like this idea. Even if it is too simplistic.

Friday, August 7, 2009

A New Beginning

I'm not quite sure how to start this up, so maybe I'll just dig right in.

I've lived a sheltered life so far, no boyfriends, no hangovers and no marks below a B average in a bad subject. I love my parents, I pick on my oldest younger brother and don't really have any fussy eating habits. However, as I approached legal age, I noticed how I don't always agree with my parents, how having siblings with a 15 year age gap changes your relationship with your friends, and in general how much home life really sucks.

So I opted to move. Not just into the next suburb or closer to the Uni I was at, but to the other end of the country. I changed to study science and live the free life with no curfew and no rules about how to behave or how to spend my time. And more importantly, do it all in shorts.

I came here with the same naive expectation that I would be a different person than what I have been for the last portion of my life, as I have tried so many times before. However, old habits die hard, especially when they've been ingrained into your personality for the better part of your life. So needless to say, I'm still friends with other timids like myself, I still do the pre-reading before lectures and drink plenty of water when I've been drinking alcohol.

However, I have had some new experiences, and that is what this Blog is for. To tell the world (or the oblivion) about what I've been getting up to. Yes, I could write it all down in my diary, and hey, maybe I'll paste a copy in there too, but maybe telling the world/oblivion will help to put some pressure on my strive to change, or at least become more of the person I'd like to be.